Saturday 23 October 2010

Things What I See When I Walk Places.

Longest hiatus yet! To break the spell of blog-apathy, here's a picture-heavy amalgamation of things I've seen on my walks to various places/to nowhere in particular.
First up, some cool new statues that appeared in one of the squares near my apartment:

Last weekend I walked to a friend's house, and on the way I saw some pretty sights. The second picture is of Parc Jean-Drapeau, which is a theme park on a little island next to Montreal.

Although Emma has mocked me for my keen-ness for street art, I'm going to show you some more because YES I DO LOVE IT. The last picture is super dark, but it's from a part of town I don't usually go to so I thought I might as well get a picture when I saw it rather than pretend I'd go back in the daytime:

And here's my favourite square, again, but this time looking more autumnal and leaftastic. I'm probably going to cry when the trees have no leaves anymore; they've become one of my favourite Montreal sights.

Oh, and just because I hate the thought of this photo going to waste after Emma was so insistent I took a picture of her with the duomo at the Musee des beaux-arts:

Next entry: Boston, MA.

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