First up was Harvard. Fans of The Social Network will recognise the first picture as being the statue from the film. DON'T TOUCH THE STATUE'S FOOT, THE HARVARD SWINE STUDENTS WEE ON IT.
Next up was a beautiful afternoon stroll along the water of the Charles River Basin, across the Longfellow Bridge, along the other side of the Basin and back. Delightful.
So Wednesday was a bit of a rainy day, BUT it was all good because we had company in the form of Allie and Ryan. The lovely and beautiful Allie took us on a highly informative tour of the Freedom Trail (or the 'Liberty Trail' as Jonny insisted on calling it), before dinner in Quincy Market with Ryan.
(below is a very, very interesting and thoughtful Holocaust memorial)
Before hopping the bridge to beautiful Charlestown, we stopped off for fuel at Mike's in Little Italy, in the form of the richest, most divine canoli this side of the Atlantic.
Thursday was Salem. Being keen on early postcolonial history, it definitely did it for me. And just to make it even more delightful, we took a boat there.
That pastry! Salem!! Tell me more about the holocaust memorial?